Garage door seals (also known as weatherstripping) ensure that your garage is waterproof and waterproof. They keep water, snow, dirt and insects out and keep heat. At Gold Label Door, we include weather seals in all new garage door installations and can also install seals for your existing garage doors.

How Garage Door Seals

Gold Label Door uses a specialized astragal moulding, meaning it’s shaped for a close fit between the door and frame. All four sides of the door are sealed and are expertly installed by our technicians to ensure a tight, weatherproof fit. Brush seals, top and bottom seals, jamb seals and outside wood trim work in tandem to create a tight fit. This keeps the garage cool in the summer and warm in the winter, increasing the functionality of the space and saving your money on your energy bills.

Contact Gold Label Door today to get weather seals installed at your home or business today.

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